Strengthen the Business Community. Strengthen Your Business.

What We Offer
GHICC – your global partner for all things Africa and beyond!

With wide-ranging changes taking place in Ghana, as well as internationally, business people find it increasingly difficult to operate in isolation and ensure survival. GHICC represents a lifeline for business people attempting to navigate the immense opportunity landscape in Ghana and other parts of the sub-region. The GHICC membership comprises SME and Large enterprises across the breadth of North America and across all economic sectors. Large enterprises are generally direct members of GHICC.

Access to Investment Opportunity
Access to industry Experts
Vetted Ghanaian Firms
Business Support Services
Trade Fair and Exhibition
Relocation Assistance
Logistic Services
Export Financing
Regulatory Advisory Services
Business Match Making
Why Join Us?
The increasingly complex business and social environment requires a comprehensive support structure to ensure the most favorable climate for the continued viable existence of individual businesses in a system of free enterprise. At the same time, the chamber movement facilitates adjustment by business to those realities that cannot be altered. Involvement in the chamber movement bears abundant fruit for the well being of each business. Thousands of successful business people can testify to the enrichment of their own skills and the development of a network base through active participation in chamber affairs. If you are a businessperson with vision, you cannot afford not to join the chamber movement! And remember, your fee for membership of a chamber is regarded as a business expense and is therefore fully tax deductible.
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